Fryske Hynders

Home Fryske Hynders

An age-old Dutch horse breed

Did you know that Fryske Hynders, better known as Friesian horses, have been a popular breed for over 3000 years? Even the Romans took advantage of this beautiful horse. Fryske horses are the oldest native breed in the Netherlands and that is not without reason. In Friesland they are mainly put for a ride: a kind of cart for transporting people. But due to their friendly and inquisitive nature, these animals are also extremely suitable for dressage. It is not a show jumper, because this is not good for the joints of the Hynders. We at Stal Okkema can tell you everything about this breed. Our stable has been lovingly raising and training these horses for over 20 years and you can also come to us for breeding.

What are the characteristics of this breed?

Fryske Hynders are friendly, loyal, intelligent and eager to learn horses. These Hynders are willing workers who keep their heads cool, so you can take them outside for excellent rides. In addition, the Fryske horse has a graceful, proud posture and that combined with its character makes the animal also suitable for dressage. A few characteristics of the Friesian horse are:

  • The height is at least 1.54 meters (mares) and 1.56 meters for stallions
  • The coat is jet black, slight markings may be allowed in some cases
  • A full, wavy tail and mane
  • The head is fine and the ears are short and pointed
  • Strongly developed shoulders and short, powerful legs

To be included in the studbook, at least the above must be met.

Fryske Hynders

That is why you choose our Fryske Hynders

You can of course also opt for other Hynders than the Fryske horse. But if you are sure that you want to go for this horse breed, Stal Okkema offers you the following:

  • You will find about 35 Fryske horses with us: from mares to geldings and foals
  • We have over 20 years of experience and knowledge in-house
  • Thanks to our experience, we give every animal a good basis
  • You can also contact us for the export of Hynders
  • Before sale, our horses are always clinically examined

Would you like more information?

Would you like to know more about this Fryske variety? Or do you have a question about one of our Hynders? We are happy to assist you further. You can reach us directly by filling in the contact form on our website. As soon as we have received this from you, we will contact you. You can also call 058-2502556. Or pay a visit to our stable and come and see our Fryske Hynders with your own eyes.