Kiano is a very appealing, big gelding with 4 white legs and a white blaze. Kiano is an offspring of the stallion Alexandro P, this Alexandro P is also the father of Henkie, the approved stallion of Grand Prix rider Adelinde Cornelissen. Alexandro P competed at ZZ zwaar level in the Netherlands. Kiano his mother, Charlotte is a stermare of the drivingstallion Larix. Kiano is ridden under the saddle and for carriage. Kiano competed at L2 level dressage and is trained at M level. Kiano is easy to ride, he has a very soft mouth and a appealing way of moving. Kiano has a very good canter and is a great horse for the dressage sport. Kiano is driven in single and double and has a lot of experience. Kiano went to a lot of shows together with his mate for carriage. Kiano is a lovely horse to see, he has a sweet head and a nice neck. His topline is strong and he has very nice dry legwork. Kiano is also very safe in (big) traffic and has a very sweet character